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Frost Vision

As you can probably tell, it's been a while since I've posted anything here. That's because I now run a metal web zine called Frost Vision which is hosted on Substack. Now you might be wondering why I did such a thing. It all began when I got permabanned from RateYourMusic for flimsy reasons on October 1, 2024. I wrote over 200 reviews for that site, but then some power-tripping hotpocket decided to ruin that. I also wanted to write more short reviews, but I did not want to be one of those metal sites that just spams out short articles. I wanted to give people substance. So I took those reviews I had written, created a Substack blog called Frost Vision, and started posting them there in a monthly zine format as an homage to the metal zines of old. I'm also writing new reviews.

Does that mean I'm going to abandon this site and let it collect dust? No. I'm aware that people may not want to visit Substack for whatever reason, so I'm going to use this site to host the raw text files of each issue, similar to what they did on the ancient internet. You are more than welcome to download them, share them, or even print them out.

Frost Vision, Issue #1, September 2024

Bands mentioned: Giygas, Ghostwound, Bogvalal, Cruor Cultum, Cryogen, Drutentus, The Mortuary Society, Blast, Necrovore, Terminal Death, The Unjust, Deathcircle, Antichrist (Ger), Brodequin

Frost Vision, Issue #2, October 2024

Bands mentioned: Alvar, Cerebral Carnage, Apogean, Cosmophage, Eta Carinae, Necropolis (US, CA), Necropolis (US, GA), Necropolis (US, PA), Giornesto, Doomwatch

Frost Vision, Issue #3, November 2024

Bands mentioned: Brodequin, Nile, Carnophage, Cephalotripsy, Wormed, Malodorous, Submerged

Frost Vision, Issue #4, December 2024

Bands mentioned: Austere, Mutiilation, Trijumf, Звёздный Храм, 1927, Fomoire, Green Mountaineer, Infernal Wind, Reveals, Керста, 出雲, Waking the Cadaver, Ripping Corpse

Frost Vision, Issue #5, January 2025

Bands mentioned: Branikald

Frost Vision, Issue #6, February 2025

Bands mentioned: Fellwinter, Gauntlet Ring, Arbor