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Some Thoughts on the End of the War in Afghanistan

I have a terrible memory, but I’m still able to remember when 9/11 happened. I was in elementary school at the time. It was boring, so I hated being there. I wished I was at home playing video games. Suddenly, the teacher came in with tears in her eyes. She told us that planes had crashed into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. We then watched on the TV as news unfolded. Some were angry, some were distraught, but I sat there in silence trying to figure out what was happening. Eventually, the teachers tried to direct us back to our studies, but everyone was too distracted by the event.

In the following days, the talking heads in the news told us that the attack was carried out by Muslim terrorists who hated us for our freedoms and that the president would take revenge by declaring a War on Terror and invading Afghanistan. Like so many others at the time, I was in support of it. They attacked us, so we needed to strike back. The American military’s assault was hard and fast, but Osama Bin Laden was nowhere to be found. A few months later, the American military invaded Iraq under the pretense that they were developing weapons of mass destruction. I was initially in support of that as well. After all, anyone who didn’t support the War on Terror was probably a terrorist who hated America, and I certainly wasn’t that.

When I entered my high school years, I started asking questions. Why were we still in Afghanistan and Iraq after several years? The common answer given was that we had to be over there so they wouldn’t attack us here, but that was unsatisfying for me. I was an atheist around this time, and one day when I was looking for videos on atheism, I stumbled upon something called Zeitgeist. It was a documentary in three parts. The first part essentially claimed that religion was a lie created to control people. Their premise is flimsy and they make numerous errors, but that’s a story for another time. The second and more relevant part of that documentary was about 9/11. It revealed some very interesting facts surrounding that event, such as how George W. Bush was warned several months in advance that Osama Bin Laden was going to attack America yet did nothing about it. If I were to go over every last detail like this, I would be here all day. The most important thing you need to know is that the government allowed the attack to happen so they could have a justification for spying on you.

Eventually, Osama Bin Laden was found and killed by Seal Team Six. Strange how he was hiding in a neighborhood in Pakistan reserved for retired military personnel. That meant we could finally leave Afghanistan, right? Wrong. We still had to stay there. The excuse the military industrial complex was using now was that we were “bringing democracy to the Middle East”. That made no sense. If democracy is so great, then why do you need to force people to adopt it? The thing they were doing now was called “nation building”. It’s where the American government and its associated special interest groups remove regimes that are a threat to American interests and replace them with ones that are more friendly. This is what happened in Iraq. Saddam wanted to start selling oil in euros. This posed a threat to the dollar, so he had to be removed. They gave the same treatment to Gaddafi, who wanted to create his own gold-based currency that could be traded for oil. They killed him and Libya quickly devolved into a failed state. You might be wondering why America is so obsessed with establishing democracies. It’s because democracy is the easiest form of government to subvert. It already happened to the American government.

As the occupation of Afghanistan dragged on, American culture changed. It was already soulless and corporate when the war began, but it became worse. The news media, the entertainment industry, and the corporate establishment, in the name of tolerance and equality, were now promoting every degeneracy under the sun. Just watch a few minutes of American television and you will instantly know what I’m talking about. This corruption has wormed its way into every American institution, including the military. They gradually focused less on merit and skill and more on diversity and equal opportunity. Because of this, the American military is now staffed by people who don’t know what sex they are, people who can’t pass the fitness exam, and borderline illiterates. Not even the communist countries of old went so far as to put the genetic duds of society into positions of power. As a sidenote, there’s a term for that: bioleninism.

The people in charge are not content with corrupting their own country. They want to corrupt the whole world. This is what they tried to do in Afghanistan. It is common knowledge that Afghanistan is a poor country. Most of its towns don’t even have indoor plumbing. What they needed were engineers and tradesmen to build vital infrastructure. What America gave them instead were gender studies degrees and other things that had no real value. Their main priority was to turn Kabul into a Central Asian San Francisco, replace God with the GDP, and then impose their rootless cosmopolitan urbanite culture onto the rest of the country. They cared more about promoting rampant corporate consumerism and nihilistic hedonism than they did about providing basic necessities. It’s no wonder the Taliban had so much support in rural areas.

Donald Trump, despite his flaws, knew that we should not be in Afghanistan any longer. After a series of negotiations, he set a withdrawal date of May 1, 2021. Then Joe Biden won the 2020 election under suspicious circumstances. He didn’t want Trump to take credit for ending America’s longest war, so he pushed the withdrawal back to the incendiary date of 9/11. The Taliban were angered by this decision because they got the impression that the American government could not be trusted to keep their word, so they launched a widescale offensive. People were shocked at how quickly they conquered the country. They were outmanned and outgunned, so how were they able to pull this off? There are two reasons for this. The first is the corrupt and incompetent nature of the Afghan military. The higher-ups cared more about raping young boys than they did about providing their soldiers with proper training or even paying them for that matter. You can find several articles and documentaries that elaborate more on that issue. When the Taliban arrived at several towns, the underpaid and demoralized Afghan soldiers either immediately surrendered or even defected. The second reason is that you should never underestimate the power and determination of men who can feel in every atom of their bodies that they are fighting for God Himself. Soldiers who are merely fighting for a paycheck cannot hope to stand against warriors like that.

Kabul fell quickly. I’m sure you’ve all seen photos and videos of it. People then discovered that the Taliban of today is not the same Taliban from twenty years ago. This Taliban was skilled in the art of public relations. They knew it was a bad idea to massacre civilians ISIS style. They showed mercy to those who surrendered. They had also become skilled in meme warfare. They are using their social media accounts to post dank /pol/-tier memes, which I’m sure you’ve all seen. I’m honestly amazed at their ability to meme. It’s as if opposing Globohomo gives you meme superpowers or something. The Taliban’s rapid conquest of Afghanistan combined with their trolling of the West makes this the single most humiliating defeat America has ever suffered.

The fall of Kabul represents something far deeper than the fall of America’s puppet government in Afghanistan. It represents the triumph of the rural over the urban. You ever notice how those who live in big cities constantly spew hatred against those who live in small towns and out in the countryside? It’s because deep down inside, they’re terrified of them. The people in rural areas are the ones who grow all the food and provide all the resources that allow cities to function. If a civil war occurs, the country folk would have the advantage, as they could just bomb the supply lines and then wait as the city folk starve to death. If the Taliban, a collection of rural people, are able to overcome a numerically and technologically superior military force, then so can other rural people. Those in control of the West don’t want the commoners to realize that.

What will happen next? We can only guess. I have a feeling that America’s War on Terror will become a War on Domestic Terror. Their focus will shift from Muslims to “white supremacists” i.e. anyone who opposes the current regime. America is a dying empire, though, and their attempts at silencing dissenters will only delay the inevitable collapse. Such is the fate of all nations that reject God and embrace sin. The collapse of America will unleash a torrent of pain and suffering that will ripple across the entire world, but if you put your faith in God, then He will give you the strength to persevere through the hard times and build a better, more virtuous world atop the ashes of the old.